Executive Summary
This report presents Simurgh Development Index 2021. Simurgh development Index has been developed by incorporating game theory, chaos theory and institutional economics. The importance of Simurgh index is the focus on the role of players and organizations in either laying the ground for development or reducing the potential of development.
Simurgh is a symbol of wisdom, cooperation in ancient Iranian beliefs. Moreover, it refers to coordination while respecting differences. Therefore, it can be seen as the symbol of mechanism design.
As a model, Simurgh development means that development proceeds as a result of the activity of the three keys of coordination, cooperation and confidence in order to continuously open access to property rights. Although international indicators largely reflect the status of these three key development keys, the description of their status does not reflect the impact of the players affecting them. In other words, the most important way to distinguish the Simorgh Development Index from other development indicators is to show the effect of the actors (various governmental and non-governmental organizations) on the three keys of development. In addition, the Simurgh Development Index measures development in terms of dynamic and cross-sectional potentials for development. Simurgh Model has been developed in Simurgh Group of “Research Activities for Millennium Planning” (RAMP). Simurgh Model is about the ability to convert properties into capital and to convert capital into wealth by all citizens of a community, No matter their physical condition, political stance, gender, ethnicity, personality, social status, etc.
Calculations are based on Legatum Prosperity Index data. According to calculations and based on the work of knowledge, action and power elites, Norway with a score of 0.917 has the most open access to property rights. But Syria, with a score of 0.203, has the most limited access to property rights, and state fragility is still very high.
This report is organized as follows: first section is dedicated to the concept of Simorgh index of development; in second section, presenting the social order of world countries, we describe the role of elites in development of world countries based on Simurgh Development Index (SDI); and in third section, the indicators of each country are presented as attachment.
Reza Madjidzadeh
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